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Manufacturing Incubation Centre by MSME TC BENGALURU

One of the key bottle necks for any entrepreneur is finding support for setting up and running a manufacturing unit in the first 2-3 years of inception. The pressure of finding space to set up a manufacturing unit and obtaining all necessary registration and clearances itself is a big challenge for MSMEs. It has often been observed that entrepreneurs suffer due to complex processes for setting up of plants and non-transparent decision making by various agencies. In addition, it is also observed that MSMEs, in a race to survive, ignore focus on quality and EHS practices and this becomes a hurdle which precludes them from being part of global value-chains.

One of the key bottle necks for any entrepreneur is finding support for setting up and running a manufacturing unit in the first 2-3 years of inception. The pressure of finding space to set up a manufacturing unit and obtaining all necessary registration and clearances itself is a big challenge for MSMEs. It has often been observed that entrepreneurs suffer due to complex processes for setting up of plants and non-transparent decision making by various agencies. In addition, it is also observed that MSMEs, in a race to survive, ignore focus on quality and EHS practices and this becomes a hurdle which precludes them from being part of global value-chains.

The Manufacturing Incubation Centre proposed at the Bengaluru TC will the basic shell infrastructure with area ranging from 200-400 square-feet and world class manufacturing plant and machinery on rental basis for a 2 year period. This MIC is expected to fuel the growth of enterprise which has successfully crossed the stage of pilot order and ready to execute larger orders.

The Manufacturing Incubation Centre proposed at the Bengaluru TC will the basic shell infrastructure with area ranging from 200-400 square-feet and world class manufacturing plant and machinery on rental basis for a 2 year period. This MIC is expected to fuel the growth of enterprise which has successfully crossed the stage of pilot order and ready to execute larger orders.

The MIC would comprise of the following facilities:

The MIC would comprise of the following facilities:

No common plant and machinery has been planned for the first phase of the TC. The Technology Partner will assess the required common equipment than can be purchased by the TC and offered to MSMEs on rent. This will also be driven by the need of the entrepreneurs and will become a part of the incubation centre. In the meantime, the entrepreneurs can utilize the common facilities already available at the TC.

No common plant and machinery has been planned for the first phase of the TC. The Technology Partner will assess the required common equipment than can be purchased by the TC and offered to MSMEs on rent. This will also be driven by the need of the entrepreneurs and will become a part of the incubation centre. In the meantime, the entrepreneurs can utilize the common facilities already available at the TC.

The Manufacturing Incubation Centre would not only provide space but also help in connecting with suppliers and skilled workers. One of the key points this MIC aims to achieve is to ensure focus on quality control from the get-go. Members of the MIC would be encouraged to start work in a setup concentrated on following environment, protocols and ethics from day one. It is therefore expected that when these enterprises come out of the MIC they could be examples of world class manufacturing practices.

The Manufacturing Incubation Centre would not only provide space but also help in connecting with suppliers and skilled workers. One of the key points this MIC aims to achieve is to ensure focus on quality control from the get-go. Members of the MIC would be encouraged to start work in a setup concentrated on following environment, protocols and ethics from day one. It is therefore expected that when these enterprises come out of the MIC they could be examples of world class manufacturing practices.

The Manufacturing Incubation Centre should also leverage existing Central and State Government policies to explore options for providing tax incentives to players using the Manufacturing Incubation Centre e.g. service tax exemption offered by selected Technology Incubators supported by National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.

The Manufacturing Incubation Centre should also leverage existing Central and State Government policies to explore options for providing tax incentives to players using the Manufacturing Incubation Centre e.g. service tax exemption offered by selected Technology Incubators supported by National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.

Training Centre

The TC at Bengaluru will provide professional training in various courses with focus on the ESDM sector. The TC will be able to produce highly skilled technical workforce, with greater career prospects in the ESDM sector. The duration of courses will be both short and long term, ranging from 1 month to 12 months in various areas

The TC at Bengaluru will provide professional training in various courses with focus on the ESDM sector. The TC will be able to produce highly skilled technical workforce, with greater career prospects in the ESDM sector. The duration of courses will be both short and long term, ranging from 1 month to 12 months in various areas